Just a ninja wandering the Black Desert
CRank: 5Score: 10930

....No, In the case of Dark Souls 2 the reason they are getting a bigger budget is so they can go all out in graphics, advertising/marketing in a vain effort to "wow" the masses into buying the game.

High costs come from investing in new engines on new games and last I checked Dark Souls 2 uses an engine made for a 6/7 generation ps3/xbox game rather than the 1st generation engine they used for demon's souls or 3rd/4th generation title dark souls. So the cost s...

4188d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

^^ You speak the truth man. Home PCs are goin' bye-bye, laptops are now behind tablets in use now. Nobody is using a home pc anymore. Mobile is the next evolution of the computer and its only a matter of time before you have the power of a high end pc in the palm of your hand. You can't stop progress peeps.

4189d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Give me Super Mario World over almost anything made today by ANYONE"

LOL sorry we aren't going back to the 90s hipster, deal with it.

4196d ago 9 agree10 disagreeView comment

"I can't see them making, say, Half Life 3 exclusive to their console only because they enjoy things like money and success."

Well they gotta have something on the "steambox" that you can't get anywhere else and Half Life 3 would be THE killer exclusive for the "steambox".

4196d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

"MS is in trouble" I think you are right. If you seen the latest consumer/product surveys you can see windows 8 and Home PC sales and revelance are terrible. The Iphone name is now more valuable than the whole microsoft brand now.

Valve knows that the traditional Home PC is dead, replaced by the tablet. Valve loves traditional PCs(especially for gaming) so for them its a way to keep it alive. The problem with this is that now Valve can now charge you $400-600 or mo...

4196d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Nintendo is THE most relevent of the big 3." LOL @ronin4life, to you maybe.

You know the last "revelant" nintendo game that won a game of the year award was? Ocarina of time on N64 the only other one was Golden Eye. The N64 was the last time nintendo was "revelant" to the industry. You know how many technical awards the wii or nintendo have won recently? Absolutely ZERO. The industry likes to keep employing its university made game designers/art...

4199d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Because everything Ape007 is BS. Nintendo devs have had time to use the dev kits before anyone else and yet I see no launch games that use its supposed "power". New Super Mario Bros was supposed to be native 1080p @ 60fps and its not. Also consider that most inhouse nintendo devs are rubbish with tech so I highly doubt any inhouse games will be able to push the graphics evolope. Add the fact that no 3rd party launch games are in native 1080p @ 60fps right off the bat means either, t...

4207d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

Thats probably why this tech demo took so long to make. During the last year alone they been working on FFXIII-2, FFXIII-3, FFXIV: A Realm Reborn, FFXIII VS and maybe KH3.

4208d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Trading off CPU power for GPGPU power makes sense. Trading GPU power por CPU power does not. That's why people bashed Sony. It made the PS3 more expensive and it doesn't seem to have been worth it."

LOL @Nerdmaster. Only idiots believe that nonsense. The Blu-ray player was what made the PS3 expensive. SONY themselves even admitted the PS3 was expensive at first because of this.

4213d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

"historically, gaming tech has always advanced forward, but nintendo demonstrated with wii that in these times, advances other than graphics can be made, which is both economically viable and delivers something new to the consumer."

Funny thing you just said considering I just saw on my local news cast that the reason console/game sales have declined is because,"most have gone to mobile phone and tablet gaming." This proves that the "casual gamers&quo...

4217d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"you do realize that this system is capable of outputting games 1080P natively right?"

FUD. No it does not. Nintendo have made no mention that any of their games can display native 1080 @60fps graphics. When they did with New Super Mario Bros they had to change the wording from, "it displays in 1080p" to "displays in High Definition" on their website.

4222d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@yabhero I really hope you aren't running out to buy a wii-u thinking your getting a "next gen" console thinking its going to do native 1080p @60fps games. As of right now no launch titles will do native 1080p @ 60fps. Infact Nintendo had to back track and confirm that New Super Mario Bros was not native 1080p @ 60fps, which was put up on the Nintendo website and then reported as fact by some nintendo blogger/website. Nintendo has been pretty shady so far with specifics as to wh...

4226d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

GTA 5 looks like it'll blow both of those games outta the water. Max Payne 3 for xbox was 2 discs(1 for mp) and Rage was 3 discs on xbox. I wouldn't doubt this game will be on multi discs on xbox. PS3 will have at least a 8-10GB install for this beast.

4228d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well you are right about being more little jimmys. But the economy isn't that good for parents right now to go with a high end system when you can get a kinect 4gb xbox for 100 less than a wii u. The PS3 market is still growing and there is interest, just not at the price sony is offering at the moment. All these are factors that can eat at the 97 potential wii u buyers. If you look at all the factors its setting up to be a gamecube situation(where nintendo had to upgrade the n64 and peop...

4231d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The PS2 was also backwards compatible(letting you play all your PS1 games) along with a large catalog of 3rd party support/exclusive games and it was a DVD player. Not really sure why market saturation would be an issue. The real question is if little 10yr jimmy who got a wii at christmas will now(at age 17)get a wii u. My quess is little jimmy already upgraded/bought an xbox.

4231d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

or Rated E for ego. *gets on knees* Thank you for gracing us with your comments your highness. /sarcasm

4233d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol at people complaining about installs. Fallout 3 was 5GB, Sleeping dogs was 4.6GBs, Split Second was 7GB, Bioshock 2 was 5GB etc..etc. This is a not a big install. Sides, less stress on disc reading and shorter load times are always welcome.

4239d ago 24 agree5 disagreeView comment

@SeraphimBlade ....and I sincerely mean this to be helpful. THERE IS NO NEED FOR YOU TO BE A SELF IMPORTANT PRICK.

4261d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@humbleopinion your full of crap. The Kotaku Kojima "quote" was misquoted and edited by Brian Ashcraft to bash the ps3. John Carmack also said that rage was gona need 6 discs on xbox which turned out to be false. Gabe Newell had no intrest in ps3 until he came out at E3 2010, portal 2 ran great on ps3. Free Radical is now gone because they had bad management and incompetence on the dev team. The PS3 exclusive games speak for the quality of the hardware.

4279d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The new xbox was coming in september 2013 but they are having problems with a faulty chip thats affecting production and may delay launch till 2014.


4280d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment